Fri. 17. Dec. 2004

Start list for the DH

Fri. 17. Dec. 2004

Anti-doping tests performed

Fri. 17. Dec. 2004

Fill is ill…

Fri. 17. Dec. 2004

Raich: “Amazed”

Fri. 17. Dec. 2004

Austrian’s rule!

Fri. 17. Dec. 2004

Ghedina’s gamble

Fri. 17. Dec. 2004

Parade of fans

Fri. 17. Dec. 2004

Diplomas for spectators

Fri. 17. Dec. 2004

Free admission to the Downhill

Thu. 16. Dec. 2004

Friday’s Super G

Thu. 16. Dec. 2004

Free entrance to the Super G

Thu. 16. Dec. 2004

Weather: unstable

Thu. 16. Dec. 2004

Super G Start numbers

Thu. 16. Dec. 2004

Rescue helicopter