Downhill: What the Fastest had to Say

Even Steven Nymann didn't expect today's victory. Read and listen what he and the other fastest racers had to say about today's race.

Joachim Puchner on Downhill I have no regrets
“It was still snowing when I started, and then things got better and faster. It is a shame that the conditions were as they were. Gardena/Gröden is usually a cool race and today it was everything but cool. But I have no regrets. I was 2nd when I finished and that is great. There is not much I can do about the rest.”

Werner Heel on Downhill: I want to return to the top 15 in Super-G and Downhill
“I am totally happy with my 6th rank and welcome the points I earned today. My aim is to  return to be in the top 15 in the speed events. We are on the right track and I am really enjoying myself again. And that is what matters most. I feel for my two team members Peter Fill and Siegmar Klotz: you could see that it just wasn’t working. They were skiing almost upright and clearing the course for the skiers behind them. But skiing is an outdoor sport and things like this can happen.”

Rok Perko on Downhill: I am ovejoyed - our team is on the right track
“My best rank so far was 12th in Kvitfjell. Today is my first time on the podium and in the top 10. I hope that this will not be my only time. Our team is still in its infancy, but we are motivated and I think on the right track. I am overjoyed with today’s result.

Kjetil Jansrud on Downhill: Conditions not equal for everybody
"I think conditions were not equal for everybody. The course got faster and faster for the skiers in the back. But skiing is an outdoor sport and this is certainly not the first time this happened. I can only talk for myself and I am happy with how well I skied. We worked very hard also with our hard ware and I am happy with it."

Steve Nyman on Downhill: I feel comfortable on this track and stuck to my guns
“Weather was as definitely a factor today and when I heard that Rob (Perko) came down in the lead I realized that the course is fast, the door is open and you’ve got to punch it down there. I‘ve got two good results in the training runs with a 5th rank and a good history on this course. Today I found a good line and had stuck to my guns. That is just what I did. I feel comfortable in Gardena and on this type of course. I tore my achilles and took off all of last year. Another set-back happened when I broke two of my rips. I was excited to come back here and ski well. I felt comfortable. All summer long you train hard, convince yourself what you can do, lost it with a crash but then found it again here today.”

Eric Guay on Downhill: I am still happy to be on the podium
"As long as I’m on the podium I’m still happy. For sure 1st place would have been better but 3rd is better than 4th. You have to give it to the guys from the back taking advantage of the higher start numbers. It’s an outdoor race where you can get wind, snow, anything. So I’m still happy to be on the podium.”

Travis Ganong on Downhill: I'm doing the Sellaronda tomorrow
"I had a great time on the Saslong today. I like it very, very much, particularly all those jumps. Maye I'll do the Sellaronda tomorrow. We have been wanting to do it as a team, and maybe we're able to pull it off tomorrow"