Val Gardena/Gardena thanks and bids Farewell to Günter Hujara

This is Günter Hujara's last season as FIS Race Director. The Organizing Committee wanted to thank and bid him farewell.

Ahead of today's Team Captain Meeting that took place in Selva/Wolkenstein, OC Race Director Rainer Senoner extended a few words of gratitude and admiratiom for Hujara, who joined FIS in 1991, and who will continue to work within the organizatiom in the area of safety and also support the organizing effort of PyeongChang 2018. The local music band proceeded to perform for Hujara from the balcony which was followed by enthusiastic applause from the audience. Then Senoner handed Hujara a present in the form of a painting featuring Hujara in Superman version. An affectionate and nice way to thank a friend of Val Gardena/Gröden.