Erich Demetz confirmed chairman of FIS World Cup Committee
The ski sport director from Gardena-Gröden Erich Demetz has been confirmed unanimously in his role as chairman of the FIS World Cup Committee on Saturday, June 5th 2010 at the 47th FIS Congress in Antalya, Turkey.
The 72-year-old has been in this role since 1986 following in the foot-steps of World Cup founder Serge Lange. This is a two-year mandate.
“I owe this re-election to FIS President Gianfranco Kaspar who has been my most prominent supporter and who has gone to bat for me” commented Mr. Demetz. “Any resistance came from our own camp early on”.
The long-time chairman is convinced that the ski sport will continue to play a dominant role despite strong competition from other sports. This view is also supported by TV ratings. Mr. Demetz also resists the idea that the sport needs to get a complete overhaul to remain economically successful. “The sport should continue to grow organically and stay true to its spirit and not be demoted and abused by the ski industry and tourism.”