Kristian Ghedina, the King of the Saslong

Kristian Ghedina is aiming to be the star of this year's World Cup weekend in Gröden. Despite attendance of the world's best athletes, he is threatening to improve upon Franz Klammer's series of four wins. This would make him the first person to win five times on the Saslong. He already has four wins under his belt (1996, 1998, 1999 and 2001) and has stood on the podium three additional times (2nd in 1999 and 3rd in 1989 and 1996). The skier from Cortina knows and loves the Saslong run as none other and the 3.5km long run appears to be tailor-made for the outstanding slider and gifted technician. "I feel at home on the Saslong," said Kristian, because "I have known it for many years". His toughest competitors are well aware of this and follow Kristian's exact slope alignment over a dozen times on the video.